Fine proceedings on temporary employment

In recent years, fine pro­ceed­ings have become increas­ing­ly impor­tant. Since denial of the license is often not pro­por­tion­ate, the Fed­er­al Employ­ment Agency (Bun­de­sagen­tur für Arbeit) has start­ed to impose fines for vio­la­tion of the Ger­man Law on Tem­po­rary Employ­ment (AÜG, Arbeit­nehmerüber­las­sungs­ge­setz).

The fines are some­times quite high. The fine for fail­ure to cor­rect­ly apply the col­lec­tive agree­ments can be as high as €500,000 (see sec. 16 (1) no. 7a in con­junc­tion with sec. 10 (4), sec. 16 (2) AÜG).

The list below shows sev­er­al offences sub­ject to fine (pur­suant to sec. 16 (1) AÜG). This applies to every per­son who, inten­tion­al­ly or through negligence,


Sec.  16 (1) no. Offence Fine in EUR
1 assigns a tem­po­rary employ­ee to a third par­ty with­out a licence in vio­la­tion of sec. 1 30,000
1a allows a tem­po­rary employ­ee received from a tem­po­rary employ­ment agency with­out a license to work for them 30,000
1b assigns a tem­po­rary employ­ee or allows a tem­po­rary employ­ee to work in vio­la­tion of sec. 1 (1) sen­tence 3 30,000
1c fails to iden­ti­fy an assign­ment of a tem­po­rary employ­ee at all, cor­rect­ly or in time in vio­la­tion of sec. 1 (1) sen­tence 5 30,000
1d fails to con­cre­tise the per­son at all, cor­rect­ly or in time in vio­la­tion of sec. 1 (1) sen­tence 6 30,000
1e assigns a tem­po­rary employ­ee in vio­la­tion of sec. 1 (1b) sen­tence 1 30,000
1f assigns a tem­po­rary employ­ee or allows a tem­po­rary employ­ee to work in vio­la­tion of sec. 1b sen­tence 1 30,000
2 allows a for­eign tem­po­rary employ­ee assigned to him to work if such employ­ee does not have the required res­i­dence title pur­suant to sec. 4 (3) of the  Act on the Res­i­dence, Eco­nom­ic Activ­i­ty and Inte­gra­tion of For­eign­ers in the Fed­er­al Ter­ri­to­ry (Aufen­thG, Gesetz über den Aufen­thalt, die Erwerb­stätigkeit und die Inte­gra­tion von Aus­län­dern im Bun­des­ge­biet), per­mis­sion to remain or tem­po­rary sus­pen­sion of depor­ta­tion (Dul­dung) or a per­mit pur­suant to sec. 284 (3) of the Third Book of the Code of Social Law (SGB III, Sozialge­set­zbuch (SGB) Drittes Buch (III)) 500,000
2a fails to sub­mit noti­fi­ca­tion pur­suant to sec. 1a at all, cor­rect­ly or in time 2500
3 fails to com­ply with a require­ment pur­suant to sec. 2 (2) at all, cor­rect­ly or in time 2500
4 fails to sub­mit noti­fi­ca­tion pur­suant to sec. 7 (1) at all, cor­rect­ly, com­plete­ly or in time 1000
5 fails to pro­vide infor­ma­tion pur­suant to sec. 7 (2) sen­tence 1 at all, cor­rect­ly, com­plete­ly or in time 1000
6 fails to ful­fil their record-keep­ing oblig­a­tion pur­suant to sec. 7 (2) sen­tence 4 30,000
6a fails to accept a mea­sure as con­tem­plat­ed in sec. 7 (3) sen­tence 2 in vio­la­tion thereof 1000
7a fails to pro­vide a work­ing con­di­tion in vio­la­tion of sec. 8 (1) sen­tence 1 or (2) sen­tence 2 or 4 500,000
7b fails, in vio­la­tion of sec. 8 (5) in con­junc­tion with a leg­isla­tive act pur­suant to sec. 3a (2) sen­tence 1, to pay the min­i­mum hourly wage as pro­vid­ed for there­in at all or in time 500,000
8 fails to ful­fil an oblig­a­tion pur­suant to sec. 11 (1) or (2) 1000
8a allows a tem­po­rary employ­ee to work in vio­la­tion of sec. 11 (5) sen­tence 1 500,000
9 fails to inform the tem­po­rary employ­ee at all, cor­rect­ly or com­plete­ly in vio­la­tion of sec. 13a sen­tence 1 2500
10 fails to grant access in vio­la­tion of sec. 13b sen­tence 1 2500
11 fails to tol­er­ate an audit or to co-oper­ate dur­ing such audit in vio­la­tion of sec. 17a in con­junc­tion with sec. 5 (1) sen­tence 1 of the Act to Com­bat Clan­des­tine Employ­ment (SchwarzArbG, Gesetz zur Bekämp­fung der Schwarzarbeit und ille­galen Beschäf­ti­gung) 30,000
12 fails to grant access to a prop­er­ty or busi­ness premis­es in vio­la­tion of sec. 17a in con­junc­tion with sec. 5 (1) sen­tence 2 SchwarzArbG 30,000
13 fails to trans­fer data at all, cor­rect­ly, com­plete­ly, in the required man­ner or in time in vio­la­tion of sec. 17a in con­junc­tion with sec. 5 (3) sen­tence 1 SchwarzArbG 30,000
14 fails to sub­mit reg­is­tra­tion at all, cor­rect­ly, com­plete­ly, in the required man­ner or in time in vio­la­tion of sec. 17b (1) sen­tence 1 AÜG 30,000
15 fails to sub­mit a change report at all, cor­rect­ly, com­plete­ly, in the required man­ner or in time in vio­la­tion of sec. 17b (1) sen­tence 2 AÜG 30,000
16 fails to attach a dec­la­ra­tion in vio­la­tion of sec. 17b (2) AÜG 30,000
17 fails to pre­pare a record at all, cor­rect­ly, com­plete­ly or in time in vio­la­tion of sec. 17c (1) AÜG or fails to archive such record for a min­i­mum peri­od of two years or 30,000
18 fails to make a doc­u­ment avail­able at all, cor­rect­ly, com­plete­ly or in the required man­ner in vio­la­tion of sec. 17c (2) AÜG 30,000